December 30, 2024

Hotel California

Such a lovely place...

Hotel California
a large building with a clock on the top of it
THE HOTEL CALIFORNIA Photo by Daivik Goel / Unsplash

About this time you see another year coming to a close, and you get a bit wistful, thinking about people and places. Life goes on and people and places change. I used to think that places never change. I was wrong. Salcombe has a dwindling number of parishioners in the church, and a beautiful tree has been chopped down, for me, that tree symbolised something, now it has gone.

So the tree has gone but the memories never fade. Hopefully they never will. As for churches I used to believe in God, but sadly the great one and I have fallen out, and not on speaking terms, even though, Saint Peter tried to send me through the gates of heaven a few times.

Somehow I think God has taken his last vacation in Salcombe, people worship mammon now? Watching the value of their bricks and mortar skyrocket, whilst the fabric of the town begins to fray? The town is, as I have said many times before, losing its beauty. I think I experienced it at its best. However, it gets under your skin, if you let it. I did, as do many. You don’t get it at is best until you live there full time, you see the seasons change, a town that is full of tourists one minute and then empty the next.

And the song Hotel California well it could be a metaphor of Salcombe. The song to me is all about decadence and burnout, too much money, and arrogance; too little humility and heart? For some you can check out any time but you can never leave.

And thanks to the slime ball who purloined my parcel…